Pemberitahuan DJ30.SEP, NQ100.SEP, dan SP500.SEP EXPIRED

Pemberitahuan DJ30.SEP, NQ100.SEP, dan SP500.SEP EXPIRED

Dengan ini diberitahukan bahwa U.S Futures Index September (DJ30.SEP, NQ100.SEP, dan SP500.SEP) akan expired pada hari Jumat, tanggal 20 September 2024. Semua posisi harus ditutup sebelum atau pada hari Jumat, 20 September 2024, pukul 02:55 […]


Plasae be informer that due to googd Friday and Easter Holiday, the trading hours for Forex and LLG will be schedule as follows :


Thursday, April 5th 2012

Forex   : Normal Trading Hours

LLG      : Market will be closed at 03:30 WIB next day )


Friday, April 6th 2012

Forex   : Market will be closed at 24:00 WIB next day )

LLG      : Market Closed